New Moon – April 2021


New Moon in Pisces 

Monday April 12th 2021 at 03:32am (BST)


The New Moon of April, like that of March, manifests in the watery constellation of Pisces. This consecutive New Moon in Pisces acts as a second activation for the spiritual wisdom of Neptune to pour forth into our world.  Neptunes’ return home can be seen as a « Call » for global awakening and requires us to assume  our individual responsibility as part of the collective.  No matter where you find yourself on the planet, humanity is being asked to surrender , to accept, and to keep faith.  The heavens are calling to us to master the art of living in the moment, to seek and find peace by connecting to the ebb and flow of life.  When this Piscean energy is balanced we are simply present, tranquil, mindful, empathic or compassionate (as need be) and intuitive.   As we pass through days, weeks, months and now over a year of uncertainty and « external » limitations – WE, as the Human Race,  are being encouraged to see horizontally.  To remember that a deeper level that WE share a common self and that indeed our shared duty is too….

Recognise that the other is you…

Yogi Bhajan

However this is far easier said than done especially when our collective psyche is out of balance…  there is simply a  global dis-ease (disease) being played out…. so manipulation and hence submission become the mechanisms to control the unknown.  As there are no planets in any of the Air constellations to lift us up to higher frequencies to see from a higher perspective it falls upon those of us that have found our voices(or who are slightly further along the path) to share, to communicate and to learn from each other. These are all third house concerns where we find this New Moon.  With the Sun, Moon and Venus all square to Pluto, eliminating deep emotional attachments becomes a necessity.   So for our next Kriya we will continue to work on  purification.. 

At 16h on Monday 12th April we will meet in my studio to chant Mantra together. For those of you that can not be physically present I invite you to share your voice via a recording and I will add it to our collection.

Lastly before we embark on another forty days of purification, those of you that are following that I have yet the pleasure to meet… be gentle, do not force the exercises, I have given alternatives.  Feel free to contact me if you would like advice.  Over the next forty days I will write more about the obstacles to self realisation and give exercises to help you on your way.  The links below will be activated in due course.

OM Shanti


ૐ – Yama

ૐ – NiYama

ૐ – Mirror work

ૐ – Affirmations

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